Saturday, 23 July 2011

Still Incapacitated :0(

Thanks for all the lovely comments, each and every one is truly appreciated!!
I never realised that sciatica was so painful!! This morning we attempted to go to the car boot sale, but only got to the corner shop before we had to turn back as sitting in the car *hurt*. It's bearable when I am laid virtually flat or stood up but sitting is impossible. I have even been eating my meals laying down!!

As well as missing the car boot sale, I have Stuff To Do. I want to finish the dressing table and want to make a dress for MIL's 70th birthday which is next weekend!! The only thing I can manage is knitting or crochet so I guess I'll have to stick to that.

So, this is where you will find me today, on the conservatory sofa, trying to ignore the mess (yesterday was housework day and because I didn't do it nobody did)!!

What're you up to today? Something more interesting than me I hope!!


S x


  1. hope u feel better, that sounds awful, gave u an award over at my blog

  2. Oh dear :( I hope you feel better soon. Lots of rest and yummy foods and maybe a warm bath? Maybe the warm bath will ease the pain *hugs* (gently)
    Ashley x

  3. Sorry to hear you're not well still. I had sciatica when I was pregnant and it's very painful so I sympathise with you. It's my daughters birthday today, she graduated on Thursday and we're having a takeaway this cooking is my kind of Saturday! Hope you feel better soon x

  4. Aww Sarah you poor thing! I hope it eases soon for you.
    We wet to Dalton Park today and got a few bits. There were a few shabby chic style housey shops there which were good to look around. I had a subway for a treat and now feel awful with tummy ache as I`ve just been eating really plain foods.

  5. Oh poor you love. It really does sound horrendous for you, and I know it must be so annoying not being able to do all the things you want to do.
    We went out to the local nature reserve and discovered there was a family fun day there. But after crying fits and "incidents involving accidents", we took the kids home in disgrace!!! Ho hum!!!Now clearing up the aftermath of salmon thrown all over the floor and watery plates (both thought it would be funny to make a salmon and veg "water mixture" while I was on the phone to my sister. God they are being naughty today.
    Chin up beauty
    x x

  6. Ouch, hope you're feeling better soon. That's a pretty good view you have from your sick bed though!

  7. Big hugs, Mrs.
    Such bad luck about missing the car booty.
    On a cheery note, my boy (aged 4 ish) learned to ride his bike today, without stabilizers!
    Am very proud.
    Hope your pain eases soon. Xx

  8. Oh no... really am feeling for you! Sounds awful. I'm with the other Ashley on the warm bath idea! Go and have a soak with a good book. :-)

    Ashley xxx

  9. I think you should embrace it now. Try to enjoy the enforced yarn fun time. I see that cushion again. Oh it is love! What yarn is it? What are you knitting?

    Hope you feel a bit better today as it's Sunday and I bet there are boot sales you want to go to.


  10. I know you've been given it before, so you don't need to do the facts about yourself again if you don't want to.. but there's an award for you over at 'mine'..!

    Ashley xxx

    P.S Hope your feeling a little better!

  11. Hope you feel better soon Sarah. Is it just a case of resting up? It sounds so painful. :(

    Take care!


  12. Hi, just found your lovely blog. I've had sciatica in the past - it is so so painful, so i really feel for you xx


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S x